Monday, April 21, 2008

Nazis opposed Christian teaching and morality

"...The Religious Question. The fight of the State against freedom of religion was continued successfully. The opposition of the Catholic Church was countered by public trials again during the early summer when several members of religious orders were convicted of smuggling money from the country and charges of immorality were brought against others. After three months of agitation against the Church the prosecutions were stopped. Negotiations between the high clergy and the Government followed, and the high Catholic clergy were found at the end of the year somewhat more accomodating to the Government than before. The clergy stressed the common fight of National Socialism and the Catholic Church against Communism. The Protestant Church has fallen, during the year, more and more under Government control and the spirit of protest voiced in previous years by the Confessional Church and other groups died down, at least as far as any open protests were concerned. In December Chancellor Hitler asked the National Socialist leaders to cease attacks on Christianity, but the new world outlook, as propagated by Alfred Rosenberg, by Baldur von Schirach and by the Schutzstaffel, the famous black-coated S.S. organization, with its sharp opposition to Christian teaching and morality, made great headway, especially among German youth.

Nazi Control of Education. The education of German youth was brought completely under the control of the National Socialist Party....a special school system has been created under the sole control of the Nationalist Socialist Party, in which the future leaders of Germany will be trained... " Hans Kohn, Professor of History, Smith College in the article "Germany;" The National Encyclopedia, Revision Service 1936, p. 43.

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