Friday, December 28, 2007

If you want to know about JESUS the Gospel of Mark!

"...We do not expect him [St. Mark] to answer questions which fall outside his purview. In particular, he is not writing a biography of Jesus or responding to a commission to compose a "Life of Jesus" to gratify the curiosity of of those in his day who wanted to understand "what made Jesus tick." Such a psychologizing approach to Jesus is remarkably absent from the New Testament interest. Only within nineteenth century liberal Protestantism did this "human interest" motif get the upper-hand and the result was a crop of Lives of Jesus, made up of partly factual and partly imaginary reconstructions of "what must have gone on in Jesus' mind." But Mark is no party to this sort of inquiry, and offers no ecouragement to our modern counterparts of the liberal pursuers of the "quest of the historical Jesus," for example in Dennis Potter's play Son of Man or in the libretto of the rock opera Jesus Christ Superstar." Ralph Martin in Mark, Evangelist and Theologian

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